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Happy Yellow Butterbean Mash - the newest and latest craze at Vanilla Zulu...and here's why!
Author : Chef Mel Alafaci

Happy Yellow Butterbean Mash - the newest and latest craze at Vanilla Zulu...and here's why!

We all love mash.  Its comforting deliciousness is not only the cause of many an eye-closing tastebud-bursting 'ah' moments, its also the perfect platform for the rest of the meal you are serving with it.

Potato mash is respectable.  Not only has it stood the time but I guarantee, respectfully so, that in a 1000 years us humans and our AI companions will STILL be enjoying its creamy deliciousness.  But oh dear, it's a bit time consuming ain't it! First we wash the potatoes. Then we peel the potatoes. Then we rinse the potatoes. Then we cube the potatoes. Then we wait for the potatoes to boil.  Then we drain the potatoes.  Then we mash the potatoes. Then we season and THEN and only then do we serve...I still think it's worth it and will never tire of the love and dedication that goes into mash.  I lived and worked in Ireland and have Irishness in my blood, and my kids love it so it stays.


I have a quickie mash for you.  For when you want same but different.  For when you want to refresh a dish and make it shine.  For when you just haven't got the time to do a mash, this might come in handy. It's also dirt cheap to make and butterbeans in a can are EVERYWHERE!


Enter Butterbean Mash...

If I'm using this in a class then I call it butterbean puree because then it sounds much more cheffy but guys, it's the same thing.

It takes under 10 minutes, could take 5 in an emergency and you had time to stir.  It's far too easy to make so don't be disappointed when your'e smiling and refreshed after making this and your friends and family are giving you a round of applause for being so fabulous.


There is also another wee problem with butterbeans.  They are beige.  Boring and beige.  Beige was only popular in the 70's and will never look sexy on a plate so here I have 'blinged' them up and given them a happy sunflower yellow tan with good old fashioned turmeric.  I should have turmeric in my holster, I use that stuff on everything...


Delicious yellow butterbean puree


(Serves 4)

2 tins butterbeans, drained

125ml  cream/milk or water (depends on your dietary preference)

1 chicken/mushroom/vegetable stock cube or use 1 teaspoon of powder stock

2 tablespoons pecorino or Parmesan grated (optional, you can keep this clean)

1 clove garlic, crushed

10 ml truffle scented oil/lemon oil or olive oil

¼ teaspoon turmeric powder or freshly grated

Salt and pepper to taste



Place all ingredients except the oil, in a large saucepan and heat over a really low heat, stirring regularly for about 10 minutes until tender making sure that it doesn’t dry out (add more cream or water/stock if needed). Once the beans have started to break down a bit more and look more cooked, add the oil and season to taste. Either wait for these to cool and then place in a food processor, or use a hand held masher or even stick blender.   Either process completely, or leave slightly chunky for a more rustic mash!


To serve

Either serve chunky or as a puree. 


You can change the flavour of these beans to suit or match your meal.

Add 1 teaspoon of chopped rosemary if you are matching lamb

Add coconut cream and curry paste either for Thai or Malaysian or Indian dishes.

Add a teaspoon of grainy mustard or horseradish if you are matching beef or pork

Add a teaspoon of curry powder if you are serving this with a curry

Add smoked garlic and smoked paprika to match a Spanish theme

Remember to take all the credit for this!  I want you to be as happy as me in the kitchen!

You cand serve this with so many dishes it's just crazy.  Adjust your stock to make it thinner or thicken to suit various dishes.

Happy Cooking!


Chef Mel

Vanilla Zulu


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