Johns Egg Nog
A couple of years ago John brought along his now-famous egg nog. Not only was it deliciously festive, it had quite a kick too! It does need to be made at least two weeks before serving, but you could even make it this weekend and keep tasting until Christmas time!
You will need:
5 eggs
1 cup white sugar
1 litre milk, brought to the boil and then cooled
300ml cream, brought to the boil and then cooled
350ml bourbon
150 ml dark/white rum
Place the eggs and sugar in an electric mixer and beat until pale and fluffy! Now add the bourbon and rum slowly while the mixer is on a low speed. Now pour in the boiled and cooled milk and cream slowly over the paddle so it doesn't curdle when it hits the boozy eggs. Pour into sterilized container with lid, such as a 2l milk bottle, and label as EGG NOG, so you don't confuse this with the milk and pour it over your weetbix lol! Refrigerate for two weeks, but you can start sampling after one!